printing on textile | table linen
Von meiner ersten Druck-Serie. Geschirrhandtücher mit meinen patterns. From my first try “printing my patterns on textile”. Cute little table linens for family & friends.
i just found some more pics from Morocco i want to share with you.. little kitty visiting. gardening: tomatoes, roemary, mint & figs. A fountain.
thats why i love coming back for visits..
eine knappe Woche Hütten (Urlaub) bei Stanzi in Innsbruck. Almost done with Leopold-Franzens-University….
Der kleine Bazar
Diese wundervolle Auswahl an besonderen Accessoires zum Wohnen und Leben bietet Der kleine Bazar | Einzigartiges Wohndesign aus dem Orient und Nordafrika.
Die Inhaber Johanna Danko und Axel Breckwoldt laden dazu ein, ihre Begeisterung für die zauberhafte Mischung aus modernen, traditionellen und handgefertigten Objekten mit ihnen zu teilen. Bei der Auswahl der Produkte wird großen Wert auf nachhaltige Herstellung unter sozial verträglichen Bedingungen gelegt.
Der kleine Bazar in der Wintergasse 14 | Augsburg. Montags bis Freitags von 13:00 bis 18:00 Uhr und Samstags von 10:00 bis 16:00 Uhr geöffnet, oder einfach mal auf die Seite schauen, alle Produkte sind auch online erhältlich: Der kleine Bazar
Mark & Sally Bailey
Mark & Sally Bailey have been evolving their unique style for over 30 years, both in their home and their business, Baileys Home Store, which is based in the Herefordshire countryside. Their backgrounds in architecture, interiour design, and furniture making have led to collaborations with the music and fashion industries, retailers and in product design.
The things they sell are a surprising mix of vintage and new from a variety of sources – they all share the qualities integral to their rescue, repair, reuse and rethink philosophy. So they for example – as i always also love to to – reuse unloved bits and pieces that they find on their travels, and give them a new lease of life. That is a version of recycling! When they are not rescueing and recycling, they design simple and usefull products.
“Recycled Homes” is the name of their first book. In this beautiful book they share their passion for the simple, honest and well made things in life. Here they demonstrate some key components, including Tones & Textures, Furniture & Storage, Walls & Floors, Lighting, Display and Textiles. “Simple Home”, their second book, is calm and uncluttered. Each item is carefully chosen, it is sustainable and stylish. In their third book, “Handmade Home”, they turn their attention to the inspirational real-life homes of artists, craftspeople and designers or those who collect their work, talking about colour, textures, textiles, handmade objects, made with love, that have become the inspiration for decorative schemes full of originality and soul. All three books are just wonderful…