…jetzt ist Nikolausabend da!
Hans Bølling duck.
We visited the first 3D house, being printed in the heart of Amsterdam! 3D Print Canal House is an open building lab, where you can experience live large 3D printing! The house is being designed and printed by DUS architects in cooperation with an international team of partners, collaborating in research, design, construction and comunity.
You’ll find an indoor and outdoor expo area, drawings and models explain about the building process. You’ll learn about new innovations, bio-based material – as the aim is to print with sustainable and biological origin material, maybe such as wood and stone -, samples and new construction techniques . You can see small 3D printer, printing architectural models and the big portable 3D printer, “Kamermaker”, printing pieces from the house in big size. It’s very fascinating. 3D printing can have huge implications for the way we fabricate things – for example the elimination of waste, transport costs and standardisation of elements.
I am a little indecisive about this theme of printing houses, but on the other hand kinda excited how this project is going to turn out and what other, more natural materials will be printable in the future..
Some old pieces on ebay from now on until next Sunday. Click here if interested: ruemmat | ebay
Erinnerungen und Botschaften aus aller Welt zum 25. Jahrestag des Mauerfalls. Eine 15km lange Lichtgrenze von der Obarbaumbrücke bis zur Bornholmer Straße mit Mauergeschichten und Open Air Ausstellung, ruft mit ihrer visuellen Kraft die Dimension der Mauer ins Gedächtnis und erinnert an die Kerzen, die während der Friedlichen Revolution 1989 zum Symbol für Gewaltfreiheit wurden. Am Sonntag Abend werden die Ballons in Himmel steigen..
Fotos: Hansabrücke, Engeldamm und Bernauer Straße.
a new favorite juice from the Netherlands: Apple juice from the very great new supermarket “marqt”. In this picture the bottle is filled with water and only a little bit of juice. But still, it tastes intensely naturally and soo good! And it was also so good to see my sister and family in Amsterdam last week.