inspired by fabrics..
The six little patchworks above from Jamaican-born designer Jessica Odgen & Tunisian-born Jean Touitou and their A.P.C. Quilt Project , launched by the common interest for traditional craft and inspired by the for years archived fabrics from the french brand A.P.C., which could be recycled that way. Below some antique turkish and moroccan kilims.
printing and fabrics
I just discovered the lovely blog from Lena Corwin and am pretty much excited about her book i just ordered. I found the beautiful fabric works from Fabrics Interseason there too.
“the coordinates of fashion and design in general, contemporary fine arts, cultural history, performance and (electronic) music describe the areas and interfaces, within which fabrics interseason locate and position their works and projects. in accordance with their artistic method, the projects, performances and the collections and presentation are based upon concepts which are developed from an intensive research of socio-political discourses and phenomena.”
Das Wetter ist kalt und ungemütlich, die Wolken hängen in den Bergen, oben schneit es schon, wo ist denn der Altweibersommer? Jedenfalls kann man an einem solchen Tag doch wunderbar mal wieder alte Stoffreste rauskramen, die Boxen aufdrehen und sich zum Beispiel an ein neues Patchwork-Werk machen…Hier ein kleiner Ausschschnitt.