printing on textile | table linen
Von meiner ersten Druck-Serie. Geschirrhandtücher mit meinen patterns. From my first try “printing my patterns on textile”. Cute little table linens for family & friends.
printing on textile | a scarf
YAY! it turned out to be real nice, i like it. I printed some of my graphical patterns on textile. ANYBODY WANT A SCARF like this? As i don’t have an online shop, feel free to contact me at contact[at]
new shirts
go climb a cactus shirts for friends, new dragonfly shirts. A simple dragonfly series will be for sale here soon!
mobile uploads from screenprinting for friends who climb or love-, hike- and ride the mountains. The design is reproduced. Thanks SDW Neukölln. Always much fun to print here!
working people
both in Vietnam. This lady took us with her on the river also to see some floating markets and it suddenly started to rain cats and dogs!