Sonntagsfrühstück | Advent
Sunday morning, a little lack of quality in the pictures, but here comes an easy and yummy Scones recipe:
- 3 tablespoons icing sugar
- 450g flour
- 4 teaspoons baking powder
- 200g single cream
- 125ml sparkling water
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice
- milk, for brushing
Preheat the oven to 200°C and dust a baking tray with flour. Sift the icing sugar, flour and baking powder into a large bowl. Mix together the cream, water and lemon juice and then quickly add to the bowl and combine with the dry ingredients. Turn out onto a floured surface, knead very lightly until smooth and press out to about 2-3cm thick. Use a little glass to cut rounds from dough (re-roll the scraps). Put the scones together on the tray, brush with milk and bake for 10-20 minutes, until golden and puffed. Serve warm with butter and some yummy jam and clotted cream…
baking 4 kids.
baking for the kids i worked with at an international “KinderInsel-Kinderhotel”
an easy Muffin recipe. For about 24 Muffins you need:
- 500g Mehl
- 1 Päckchen Backpulver
- 1 geriebene Zitronenschale & Saft
- 2 Eier
- 500g Buttermilch
- 200g Zucker
- 160g Öl
- Schoko oder Zitronenglasur, Verzierung nach Wunsch..
Eier in einer Rührschüssel verquirlen und das Fett dazugeben. Buttermilch, Mehl, Backpulver, Eier, Zironenschale & Saft & Zucker unterrühren. Muffinblech mit Papierförmchen auslegen und zu 2/3 mit dem Teig füllen. In vorgeheitzen Backofen auf 180°C, 20-25 Min. backen. Erkalten lassen und zB Schokoglasur darüber. hmmmmm happy kids you’ll have..
and of course we are international!
Christmas bakery
Bake in preheated oven at 190°C for around 5-6 minutes until the outside edges of the biscuits are lightly golden. Allow to cool before eating.
saturday baking..
(oder auch ohne Cocosraspeln!)
die Bananen mit einer Gabel zerdrücken. Oel, Ei, Milch, Zucker, Salz und Backpulver dazugeben und vermischen. Mehl und Cocosraspeln ebenfalls dazugeben und gut verrühren. Den fertigen Teig in eine eingefettete Backform geben und bei 180C 45-55 Minunten backen.
saturday recipe.
fresh fruits and plum cake