Mallorcan wedding week | Gipsy Hochzeit
the whole family&friends staying in a Finca in Mal Pas-Bonaire/Mallorca for my cousins Ines and her argentinian husbands wedding. It’s been so wonderful. Meeting, laughing, swimming, eating fish, drinking wine, dancing, eating Paella, climbing, drinking more wine… Thanks to all!
am Arlberg
wunderschönes Wanderwochenende im Lechquellgebirge am Arlberg auf die Freiburger Hütte (1931 m) im September 2013.
xin chao VIETNAM
Enjoying fruits, landscapes and colours of this beutiful country. Ricefields are all over the place.
The first two picture are actually taken in the north of Thailand. Riceworkers going to their fields very early in the morning. A women with her two children in a little silk-weaving village off the beaten track in Lao.
Kop jai lai lai!