AmouageMag N°17 en vente
Supporting friends in Morocco with their magazine “Amouage”, produced by and for passioners of the “glisses” generally and the surf particulary. (it’s the first surf magazine in the country). In this mag: For travel-lovers, Jerome Sahyoun will show you the colors of Tahitian tubes, while Mehdi and Marine will tell you an exceptional trip: Around the world in a boat-stop!
Nicolai photographs | ESSAOUIRA
photographs from my dear friend and photoghrapher Nicolai Rapp on our first trip to Morocco back in the days.
doors IIII
I’m going to be in France for this week, let’s see if i find some other beautiful doors and houses. Those two were taken in Africa again. I’m going to try the schedule – bottom, we’ll see if this post is going to be posted on Sunday….yes!
Vernacular housing III
Vernacular housing Nr. 3. First picture, taken somewhere on the Atlantic Coast Portugal/Spain. Second picture taken in Casablanca again.