Wein & Kisten | wine & boxes | vin & caisses
Wherever living – those wine boxes always seem to be a handy and simple way to move and stowage things…For example for a provisional little bookcase. Thanks God that not all of our books are here up to now..
living | impressions
Some living impressions from Berlin. There’s still a lot to be done, but it already is good enough and simplicity is very much appreciated…
making the best out of everything. still out of bags. Kreuzberg
Glogauerstraße/Ecke Wienerstr. Da fühlt sich doch jeder Österreicher wohl.
Hausprojekt Neukölln
Kleine Wohnaspekte aus dem riesen Haus in Neukölln. Tolles, spannendes Projekt. Viele Eckchen schon sehr wohnlich. Allein schon die Lage verspricht einiges. Workshops etc. coming up soon too… we do like!
sounding out of the box
Maschine groovebox & a lot of usefull audio equipment, all inside one case for great music experience – all to be carried easily around.