planning and time for such things..
Planning a trip to Southeast Asia. Starting in Thailand, we want to travel up the north (almost China), enter Lao and continue to Vietnam. Travelling from the south of Vietnam down to the north we’ll then continue to the country of Cambodia. We also thought about visiting Myanmar as this country would interest us very much, but that’s not sure for now.
Martin Kippenberger Retrospektive
“the End of the Alphabet” Martin Kippenberger | Hamburger Bahnhof: 23. Feb. – 18. Aug. 2013.
weekend recipe: green smoothie
very interesting and healthy indeed. try this out:
- guter Standmixer (die leichten Zutaten nach unten, dann geht es besser!)
- 2 handvoll Feldsalat
- 2 handvoll Spinat
- 3 kleine aromatische Äpfel
- 1 daumengroßes Stück Inwer
- 1 Limette ganz
- Saft von 1/2 Zitrone
- Prise Kurkuma
- Prise Pfeffer
- Prise Vanille
- 2 TL Salz
- Wasser
- und ab in Mixer
Nachtrag 17.05.: Grünes Smoothie Rezept jetzt auch im aktuellen Zeit Magazin!
Thagazout and mountains
the light in Morocco defenitely is one aspect i love this country so much..WOW.