a very sweet sorbian childrens book from the year 1964 by Jurij Brezan & Ludek Vimr (Illustrations).
pattern monday
click on the image to enjoy fullscreen pattern! A second click takes you back.
here the first results of my patterns. More to come…
buses in my life..
we looooooooove buses.
Vom T1 zum T5. Unser erster Familien VW-Bus im Griechenland Urlaub, der gute alte weiße T3 – den ich tatsächlich auch noch gefahren bin – wird vom neuen abgelöst, bzw. hier ja förmlich abgeschleppt. Mit mehreren Bussen und Freunden in Peniche/Portugal, Motorschaden unseres Begleiters in Südafrika..
analog & digital. working on some patterns
it took a while until we figured out what’d be the best way to make your own patterns. And as i always love the combination of working analog and a little bit digital, this seemed to be the best way for me. Creating a pattern, loading it into photoshop, offsetting it, printing it and draw on it again… I’m very happy, beeing able to produce my own patterns now. Results will be posted here soon..
little pouches
pouches on the left side made by myself, the ones on the right side are from Muji-Collection 2009.