surfsurfsurf la vague
Petit surf de matin. Bei dem super schönen Wetter kann man doch jetzt gleich nochmal einpaar Meer-Bilder posten. Wunderbarer Pointbreak – AnchorPoint – genau meine Welle!! Auch für Taido und Assin ein Spass.. Je manque de la mer..
Doors, Porte, Puerta, Porta, Mén: Es gibt so viele wundervolle Türen auf dieser Welt. Inspiriert von Kultur, Klima und Geschichte sind sie überall auf der Welt anders. Manche bunt & manche einfach, manche verziert & manche ganz simpel.. Türen-post Nummer I!
Imsouane – not so secret anymore..
Photos from Jana:-) Our first Morocco trip. travelling the coast with our surfboards. passing the road to the beach through camels.
Actually it is too bad that Imsouane is becoming more and more popular especially – bien sur – for surfers, as Imsouane is one of the most consistently breaking surfspots in Africa. The wonderful little fishing village is located in the middle of a huge forest and surrounded by mountains. An extremely relaxed lifestyle combined with typical Moroccan Berber culture awards this village its charm.
There’s two spots: one point break, second the bay which is also great for beginners cause of its perfect long waves. Keep its secret though. psssst….
Saturday morning Müsli
after a good good brekkie, we start our day, searching for apartments again..
Schokomüsli with blueberrys, strawberrys and nectarines.