Category: Impressions
Berlin | floors. Landwehrkanal & UdK
Besuch aus Wien. Mobile pictures taken on the weekend at UdK Rundgang/Kultursommer 2013.
Diesjährige Tage der offenen Tür, Einblicke in die Werkstätten, Ateliers, Studios und Proberäume der vier Fakultäten Bildende Kunst, Musik, Gestaltung und Darstellende Kunst. Rundgang Universität der Künste.
street life Vietnam
most of the pictures here are taken in Hanoi, Vietnams charming capital city with a bautiful old town, lots of local shops & markets, caffeehouses from the french colonial time, a bunch of motorbikes and wild traffic. Hanoi defenitely is worth to visit and very different comparing to Southeastasias other big cities. Once in Vietnam make sure you try a traditional vietnamese coffee!
working people
both in Vietnam. This lady took us with her on the river also to see some floating markets and it suddenly started to rain cats and dogs!
xin chao VIETNAM
Enjoying fruits, landscapes and colours of this beutiful country. Ricefields are all over the place.