Category: made&DIY
PATTERN :: hello little ones
Lately i don’t find the time for working on new patterns and such things. So here are some old ones..
Willkommen kleines Frühlingskind – welkom
Babydecke Nr 2: genäht: Wickeltischauflage, einfach gesteppt mit Baumwollfleece gefüllt und weicher Biowolle umrandet. Eine Seite mit- eine Seite ohne Spitzenband. Allerliebstes Frühlingskind. Willkommen auf dieser Welt! Met de beste wensen naar Nederland!
old patterns for pattern monday
these are old ones. I thought i have to share them again in a different size/shape, because i really do like them.
a simple dragonfly series reproduced
Alright, i reproduced some simple dragonfly pillowcases. They are pretty cute outside on a balcony or even inside somewhere. They are also available as Jutebeutel. Fell free to contact me if you want any: contact[at] . TShirts are all gone already.
But still, check out here.